Assisted living facilities are places where elderly or disabled people can live, eat, find recreation and have at least some degree of independence while receiving the help they need to live healthy, comfortable lives. Many assisted living residents are capable of taking care of themselves in most ways, but may be unable to manage a few of the aspects of living alone. While providing some level of supervision and security without being invasive.

Country Club Assisted Living Facility

Country Club Assisted Living Facility Courtyard

At CCRC Assisted Living facility in Whitney, TX residents have their own private, luxurious suites and we offer private dining for families to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions.  Residents enjoy restaurant style dining and our homemade meals in our communal dining facility. They receive assistance with the activities of daily living only to the extent they need.  We provide our residents with transportation and companions to doctor offices and other places they may need to go, plus more!

CCRC is a Licensed Assisted Living Facility with the License # 103976

A housing option which include 4 levels of assisted living facilities within the state of Texas. We are a Type A facility which means our residents are mentally & physically capable of evacuating the facility without physical assistance, they do not require routine attendance during nighttime sleeping hours and must be capable of following directions under emergency conditions. Assisted Living facilities are designed for those who need extra help in their day-to-day lives but who do not require the 24-hour skilled medical nursing care found in traditional nursing homes.

We’d love to hear from you please contact us via email at or call us at (254) 694-CCRC (2272) to schedule a visit or learn more about how Country Club Retirement Assisted Living Facility can help you or your loved one.